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【TWIG ET5/X-Knight5純正FC】 BetaFPV Toothpick F4 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_32)

【TWIG ET5/X-Knight5純正FC】 BetaFPV Toothpick F4 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_32)
¥8,980 SOLD OUT
Toothpick F4 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_32) ※XT60コネクターです。



Bullet Point
F4 AIO 35A toothpick FC is the first BLHeli_32 ESC 35A All-in-one toothpick FC on the current market. It can handle 35A continuous current(40A burst), totally supports 2-6S lipo battery.
Compared with the BETA Test 35A AIO FC, we widened the motor soldering pads to avoid the short circuit of the FC when you soldering. We also use thicker copper and wider connector to ensure that the FC will not overheat while it's carrying a large current.
With the 6S battery and this 35A AIO toothpick FC, the drone will break through the limit of toothpick power, exploring more possibilities in 4''-5'' drones.
3 full UARTs (UART1, UART2 and UART6) are available on this board. Pilots could use one UART for DJI digital FPV unit or Caddx Vista digital FPV unit and the other UART for an external receiver like TBS Crossfire.
Special build-in a 10V output pad for DJI digital VTX. With the pad, it is perfectly suitable for the 4''-5'' toothpick frame. Convenience to install, the recommend frame is TWIG MUTANT frame, X-knight frame and ET5 frame.

Specification of FC
Item: F4 35A AIO FC(BLHeli_32)
Weight: 7g
Six-Axis: MPU6000 (SPI connection)
Mounting hole size: 26mm * 26mm
Firmware version: BETAFPVF411 (BEFH)
OSD: Built-in BetaFlight OSD (OSD chip: AT7456E)
Support programmable LED like WS2812 etc
Built-in current sensor
Specification of ESC
Signal support: PWM, Oneshot125, Oneshot42, Multishot, Dshot150, Dshot300, Dshot600
Receiver: Support Frsky XM/XM+ Receiver/ Futaba Receiver/Flysky Receiver/DSMX Receiver/TBS Crossfire Receiver (requires external connection)
Input voltage: 2S-6S Lipo
Continuous current: 35A
Peak current: 40A
ESC firmware: BLHELI_S 32
Indicators: 3 indicators: receiver indicator (green)/Flight control status indicator (blue)/Flight control power indicator (red)
Capacitance: CS|5*10*17mm|680μF|35V
Connecter: XT60U 14AWG
Recommended motors: 140X series, 150X series, 160X series, 180X series

1 * Toothpick F4 35A AIO 2-6S brushless flight controller
1 * Cable Pigtail (XT60U)
1 * Capacitance
4 * M2x10mm Screws
8 * M2 Nuts
4 * Anti-vibration Rubber Dampers
Toothpick F4 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_32) ※XT60コネクターです。



Bullet Point
F4 AIO 35A toothpick FC is the first BLHeli_32 ESC 35A All-in-one toothpick FC on the current market. It can handle 35A continuous current(40A burst), totally supports 2-6S lipo battery.
Compared with the BETA Test 35A AIO FC, we widened the motor soldering pads to avoid the short circuit of the FC when you soldering. We also use thicker copper and wider connector to ensure that the FC will not overheat while it's carrying a large current.
With the 6S battery and this 35A AIO toothpick FC, the drone will break through the limit of toothpick power, exploring more possibilities in 4''-5'' drones.
3 full UARTs (UART1, UART2 and UART6) are available on this board. Pilots could use one UART for DJI digital FPV unit or Caddx Vista digital FPV unit and the other UART for an external receiver like TBS Crossfire.
Special build-in a 10V output pad for DJI digital VTX. With the pad, it is perfectly suitable for the 4''-5'' toothpick frame. Convenience to install, the recommend frame is TWIG MUTANT frame, X-knight frame and ET5 frame.

Specification of FC
Item: F4 35A AIO FC(BLHeli_32)
Weight: 7g
Six-Axis: MPU6000 (SPI connection)
Mounting hole size: 26mm * 26mm
Firmware version: BETAFPVF411 (BEFH)
OSD: Built-in BetaFlight OSD (OSD chip: AT7456E)
Support programmable LED like WS2812 etc
Built-in current sensor
Specification of ESC
Signal support: PWM, Oneshot125, Oneshot42, Multishot, Dshot150, Dshot300, Dshot600
Receiver: Support Frsky XM/XM+ Receiver/ Futaba Receiver/Flysky Receiver/DSMX Receiver/TBS Crossfire Receiver (requires external connection)
Input voltage: 2S-6S Lipo
Continuous current: 35A
Peak current: 40A
ESC firmware: BLHELI_S 32
Indicators: 3 indicators: receiver indicator (green)/Flight control status indicator (blue)/Flight control power indicator (red)
Capacitance: CS|5*10*17mm|680μF|35V
Connecter: XT60U 14AWG
Recommended motors: 140X series, 150X series, 160X series, 180X series

1 * Toothpick F4 35A AIO 2-6S brushless flight controller
1 * Cable Pigtail (XT60U)
1 * Capacitance
4 * M2x10mm Screws
8 * M2 Nuts
4 * Anti-vibration Rubber Dampers













この商品の送料は、配送方法によって異なります。 配送方法は、ご購入時に選択することができます。

  • 佐川急便/ヤマト運輸

    北海道 1100円
    沖縄 1700円


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    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


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      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


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      新潟県, 長野県


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    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄


  • レターパック


    全国一律 ¥660


Toothpick F4 2-6S AIO Brushless Flight Controller 35A(BLHeli_32) ※XT60コネクターです。



Bullet Point
F4 AIO 35A toothpick FC is the first BLHeli_32 ESC 35A All-in-one toothpick FC on the current market. It can handle 35A continuous current(40A burst), totally supports 2-6S lipo battery.
Compared with the BETA Test 35A AIO FC, we widened the motor soldering pads to avoid the short circuit of the FC when you soldering. We also use thicker copper and wider connector to ensure that the FC will not overheat while it's carrying a large current.
With the 6S battery and this 35A AIO toothpick FC, the drone will break through the limit of toothpick power, exploring more possibilities in 4''-5'' drones.
3 full UARTs (UART1, UART2 and UART6) are available on this board. Pilots could use one UART for DJI digital FPV unit or Caddx Vista digital FPV unit and the other UART for an external receiver like TBS Crossfire.
Special build-in a 10V output pad for DJI digital VTX. With the pad, it is perfectly suitable for the 4''-5'' toothpick frame. Convenience to install, the recommend frame is TWIG MUTANT frame, X-knight frame and ET5 frame.

Specification of FC
Item: F4 35A AIO FC(BLHeli_32)
Weight: 7g
Six-Axis: MPU6000 (SPI connection)
Mounting hole size: 26mm * 26mm
Firmware version: BETAFPVF411 (BEFH)
OSD: Built-in BetaFlight OSD (OSD chip: AT7456E)
Support programmable LED like WS2812 etc
Built-in current sensor
Specification of ESC
Signal support: PWM, Oneshot125, Oneshot42, Multishot, Dshot150, Dshot300, Dshot600
Receiver: Support Frsky XM/XM+ Receiver/ Futaba Receiver/Flysky Receiver/DSMX Receiver/TBS Crossfire Receiver (requires external connection)
Input voltage: 2S-6S Lipo
Continuous current: 35A
Peak current: 40A
ESC firmware: BLHELI_S 32
Indicators: 3 indicators: receiver indicator (green)/Flight control status indicator (blue)/Flight control power indicator (red)
Capacitance: CS|5*10*17mm|680μF|35V
Connecter: XT60U 14AWG
Recommended motors: 140X series, 150X series, 160X series, 180X series

1 * Toothpick F4 35A AIO 2-6S brushless flight controller
1 * Cable Pigtail (XT60U)
1 * Capacitance
4 * M2x10mm Screws
8 * M2 Nuts
4 * Anti-vibration Rubber Dampers
