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【玄人向】RadioMaster R81 2.4GHz 8CH Over 1KM SBUS Nano Receiver レシーバー(S-FHSS)

【玄人向】RadioMaster R81 2.4GHz 8CH Over 1KM SBUS Nano Receiver レシーバー(S-FHSS)
RadioMaster R81 2.4GHz 8CH Over 1KM SBUS Nano Receiver レシーバー(FrskyD8)



Brand Name: RadioMaster
Item Name: R81 Nano Receiver
Model: R81
Weight: 2g
Size: 17*11 mm
Channels: 8CH
Frequency range: 2400-2483.5Mhz
Power input range: 4.5-6V
Signal format: S-FHSS Compatible
Output format: SBUS
Support return: support return RSSI
Control distance: more than 1km
Antenna length: Approximaltly 6cm

Bind method:
1. Press and hold the BIND button on the receiver then connect power. After approximately 3 seconds, the receiver LED will be RED, the receiver is now in bind mode
2. Select the D8 protocol for the multi-protocol menu of your remote control, and press the [BIND] option, the red light of the receiver will flash indicating successful bind
3. Exit bind mode on your remote control and disconnect power to the receiver then power the receiver once more. The LED will now be solid RED indicated the bind is now done. If not please repeat step 1 and 2

Fail-safe Protection:
1. Press the BIND button once within 10 seconds of th eceiver being powered on, and the receiver will save all the current channel values of the remote control as the fail-safe value
2. 10 seconds after the receiver is powered on, the BIND button function will be disabled to prevent accidental changes to to the fail-safe settings while preparing the model for flight

RSSI output:
This receiver has a total of 9 channels. 8 channels + an RSSI output channel.
Channels 1-8 are controlled by the remote controller, the 9th channel is the signal strength RSSI value output by the receiver itself, which can be read by the flight controller and sent to the OSD device Show
signal strength.

Package Included:
1 x R81 Nano Receiver
RadioMaster R81 2.4GHz 8CH Over 1KM SBUS Nano Receiver レシーバー(FrskyD8)



Brand Name: RadioMaster
Item Name: R81 Nano Receiver
Model: R81
Weight: 2g
Size: 17*11 mm
Channels: 8CH
Frequency range: 2400-2483.5Mhz
Power input range: 4.5-6V
Signal format: S-FHSS Compatible
Output format: SBUS
Support return: support return RSSI
Control distance: more than 1km
Antenna length: Approximaltly 6cm

Bind method:
1. Press and hold the BIND button on the receiver then connect power. After approximately 3 seconds, the receiver LED will be RED, the receiver is now in bind mode
2. Select the D8 protocol for the multi-protocol menu of your remote control, and press the [BIND] option, the red light of the receiver will flash indicating successful bind
3. Exit bind mode on your remote control and disconnect power to the receiver then power the receiver once more. The LED will now be solid RED indicated the bind is now done. If not please repeat step 1 and 2

Fail-safe Protection:
1. Press the BIND button once within 10 seconds of th eceiver being powered on, and the receiver will save all the current channel values of the remote control as the fail-safe value
2. 10 seconds after the receiver is powered on, the BIND button function will be disabled to prevent accidental changes to to the fail-safe settings while preparing the model for flight

RSSI output:
This receiver has a total of 9 channels. 8 channels + an RSSI output channel.
Channels 1-8 are controlled by the remote controller, the 9th channel is the signal strength RSSI value output by the receiver itself, which can be read by the flight controller and sent to the OSD device Show
signal strength.

Package Included:
1 x R81 Nano Receiver













この商品の送料は、配送方法によって異なります。 配送方法は、ご購入時に選択することができます。

  • 佐川急便/ヤマト運輸

    北海道 1100円
    沖縄 1700円


    • 北海道


    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


    • 関東
      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


    • 信越
      新潟県, 長野県


    • 北陸
      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄


  • ゆうパケット・クリックポスト・定形外郵便


    全国一律 ¥440
  • レターパック


    全国一律 ¥660


RadioMaster R81 2.4GHz 8CH Over 1KM SBUS Nano Receiver レシーバー(FrskyD8)



Brand Name: RadioMaster
Item Name: R81 Nano Receiver
Model: R81
Weight: 2g
Size: 17*11 mm
Channels: 8CH
Frequency range: 2400-2483.5Mhz
Power input range: 4.5-6V
Signal format: S-FHSS Compatible
Output format: SBUS
Support return: support return RSSI
Control distance: more than 1km
Antenna length: Approximaltly 6cm

Bind method:
1. Press and hold the BIND button on the receiver then connect power. After approximately 3 seconds, the receiver LED will be RED, the receiver is now in bind mode
2. Select the D8 protocol for the multi-protocol menu of your remote control, and press the [BIND] option, the red light of the receiver will flash indicating successful bind
3. Exit bind mode on your remote control and disconnect power to the receiver then power the receiver once more. The LED will now be solid RED indicated the bind is now done. If not please repeat step 1 and 2

Fail-safe Protection:
1. Press the BIND button once within 10 seconds of th eceiver being powered on, and the receiver will save all the current channel values of the remote control as the fail-safe value
2. 10 seconds after the receiver is powered on, the BIND button function will be disabled to prevent accidental changes to to the fail-safe settings while preparing the model for flight

RSSI output:
This receiver has a total of 9 channels. 8 channels + an RSSI output channel.
Channels 1-8 are controlled by the remote controller, the 9th channel is the signal strength RSSI value output by the receiver itself, which can be read by the flight controller and sent to the OSD device Show
signal strength.

Package Included:
1 x R81 Nano Receiver
