
NewBeeDrone AcroBee65 BLV3 BNF 最新ブラシレスモーター65mm

NewBeeDrone AcroBee65 BLV3 BNF 最新ブラシレスモーター65mm
¥16,800 SOLD OUT
NewBeeDroneのブラシレスモーター最新機種  NewBeeDrone AcroBee65 BLV3 BNF です。
NewBeeDroneのプレミアム1Sブラシレス65mm TinyWhoopです。

0802 Motor Size
- 18,000kv (Designed for 1s)
- 1mm Shaft size
- Lead wire solder pads
- JST-1.0 Plugs installed
- 24mm cable length


モーターはNewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition
Aziの 3ブレードクリア、クリア色のグーバーキャノピーが付属します。

What's new? Included in the AcroBee65 BLV3 are the improved BeeBrain BLV3 Flight controller and Gold Unibell 0802 18000KV Motors.

The latest iteration of the BeeBrain BL Flight Controller contains massive improvements to the performance of the built in FrSky Receiver and built in video transmitter.

In addition, the ESC MOSFETs were upgraded to support the power demands of micro toothpick drones.

The solder pads on each ESC were enlarged to enable custom builds! With plenty of surface area and spacing, you can now solder on any motor of your choosing.

Receiver Improvements - 50% More Range
Optimized SPI Receiver hardware to improve efficiency within the receiver.
Removable antennas.
Additional low noise amplifier to increase range.
Optional wiring harness is available to install an external receiver (Crossfire, Ghost, etc)
Video Transmitter Improvements - 120mW
New heatsink and layout to increase heat dispersion and efficiency.
Transmitting power increased to 120mW from 25mW (V2)
Optional External Receiver
If you would like to install an external receiver, you will need to purchase this 4 pin JST cable. Click here for the manual to install an external receiver.

Build Components
Flight Controller: NewBeeDrone BeeBrain Brushless V3 AIO
Motors: NewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition (Unibell Version)
Propellers: NewBeeDrone Azi (Tri Blade) Micro Props - 31mm,1.0mm Shaft
Receiver: Integrated True Diversity SPI Receiver with LNA+PA, FrSky compatible (optional external receiver compatible)
Receiver Antenna: MHF3 2.4GHz Antenna
VTX: Onboard, up to 120mW
VTX Antenna
FPV Camera: NewBeeDrone BeeEye FPV Camera
Weight without Battery: 23 grams
BeeBrain BLV3 Flight Controller Specifications
ESC Firmware: Ships with JESC 48 KHz. BLHeli_s capable.
ESC Specifications: 4 channel 12A ESC
Weight: 6 grams (including antennas and battery connector)
Size: Outer dimensions 29 x 29 x 7.6 mm
Holes: 25.5 x 25.5 mm
Battery input: 1 – 2 S
UART2 TX and RX free for external receiver (un-inverted SBus signal only)
Note: The default power mode is low (5mW). Set the power level to medium (50mW) before flying.

※Futaba S-FHSS/Frsky_Xはこちらで設定変更してテスト飛行動作確認してから送ります。

New Bee Drone サイト 


ベータフライト10.4.*以上に接続しMODE設定でスイッチの割当(ARMスイッチ/Modeスイッチ等)デフォルトではARMスイッチ(AUX1) Modeスイッチ(AUX2)になっています。

※BetaFright Configfator 10.4.*以上を使用してください。


・AcroBee BeeBrain Brushless BNF
NewBeeDroneのブラシレスモーター最新機種  NewBeeDrone AcroBee65 BLV3 BNF です。
NewBeeDroneのプレミアム1Sブラシレス65mm TinyWhoopです。

0802 Motor Size
- 18,000kv (Designed for 1s)
- 1mm Shaft size
- Lead wire solder pads
- JST-1.0 Plugs installed
- 24mm cable length


モーターはNewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition
Aziの 3ブレードクリア、クリア色のグーバーキャノピーが付属します。

What's new? Included in the AcroBee65 BLV3 are the improved BeeBrain BLV3 Flight controller and Gold Unibell 0802 18000KV Motors.

The latest iteration of the BeeBrain BL Flight Controller contains massive improvements to the performance of the built in FrSky Receiver and built in video transmitter.

In addition, the ESC MOSFETs were upgraded to support the power demands of micro toothpick drones.

The solder pads on each ESC were enlarged to enable custom builds! With plenty of surface area and spacing, you can now solder on any motor of your choosing.

Receiver Improvements - 50% More Range
Optimized SPI Receiver hardware to improve efficiency within the receiver.
Removable antennas.
Additional low noise amplifier to increase range.
Optional wiring harness is available to install an external receiver (Crossfire, Ghost, etc)
Video Transmitter Improvements - 120mW
New heatsink and layout to increase heat dispersion and efficiency.
Transmitting power increased to 120mW from 25mW (V2)
Optional External Receiver
If you would like to install an external receiver, you will need to purchase this 4 pin JST cable. Click here for the manual to install an external receiver.

Build Components
Flight Controller: NewBeeDrone BeeBrain Brushless V3 AIO
Motors: NewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition (Unibell Version)
Propellers: NewBeeDrone Azi (Tri Blade) Micro Props - 31mm,1.0mm Shaft
Receiver: Integrated True Diversity SPI Receiver with LNA+PA, FrSky compatible (optional external receiver compatible)
Receiver Antenna: MHF3 2.4GHz Antenna
VTX: Onboard, up to 120mW
VTX Antenna
FPV Camera: NewBeeDrone BeeEye FPV Camera
Weight without Battery: 23 grams
BeeBrain BLV3 Flight Controller Specifications
ESC Firmware: Ships with JESC 48 KHz. BLHeli_s capable.
ESC Specifications: 4 channel 12A ESC
Weight: 6 grams (including antennas and battery connector)
Size: Outer dimensions 29 x 29 x 7.6 mm
Holes: 25.5 x 25.5 mm
Battery input: 1 – 2 S
UART2 TX and RX free for external receiver (un-inverted SBus signal only)
Note: The default power mode is low (5mW). Set the power level to medium (50mW) before flying.

※Futaba S-FHSS/Frsky_Xはこちらで設定変更してテスト飛行動作確認してから送ります。

New Bee Drone サイト 


ベータフライト10.4.*以上に接続しMODE設定でスイッチの割当(ARMスイッチ/Modeスイッチ等)デフォルトではARMスイッチ(AUX1) Modeスイッチ(AUX2)になっています。

※BetaFright Configfator 10.4.*以上を使用してください。


・AcroBee BeeBrain Brushless BNF














  • 佐川急便/ヤマト運輸

    北海道 1100円
    沖縄 1700円


    • 北海道


    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


    • 関東
      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


    • 信越
      新潟県, 長野県


    • 北陸
      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄




NewBeeDroneのブラシレスモーター最新機種  NewBeeDrone AcroBee65 BLV3 BNF です。
NewBeeDroneのプレミアム1Sブラシレス65mm TinyWhoopです。

0802 Motor Size
- 18,000kv (Designed for 1s)
- 1mm Shaft size
- Lead wire solder pads
- JST-1.0 Plugs installed
- 24mm cable length


モーターはNewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition
Aziの 3ブレードクリア、クリア色のグーバーキャノピーが付属します。

What's new? Included in the AcroBee65 BLV3 are the improved BeeBrain BLV3 Flight controller and Gold Unibell 0802 18000KV Motors.

The latest iteration of the BeeBrain BL Flight Controller contains massive improvements to the performance of the built in FrSky Receiver and built in video transmitter.

In addition, the ESC MOSFETs were upgraded to support the power demands of micro toothpick drones.

The solder pads on each ESC were enlarged to enable custom builds! With plenty of surface area and spacing, you can now solder on any motor of your choosing.

Receiver Improvements - 50% More Range
Optimized SPI Receiver hardware to improve efficiency within the receiver.
Removable antennas.
Additional low noise amplifier to increase range.
Optional wiring harness is available to install an external receiver (Crossfire, Ghost, etc)
Video Transmitter Improvements - 120mW
New heatsink and layout to increase heat dispersion and efficiency.
Transmitting power increased to 120mW from 25mW (V2)
Optional External Receiver
If you would like to install an external receiver, you will need to purchase this 4 pin JST cable. Click here for the manual to install an external receiver.

Build Components
Flight Controller: NewBeeDrone BeeBrain Brushless V3 AIO
Motors: NewBeeDrone 0802 18000kv Brushless Motors - Gold Edition (Unibell Version)
Propellers: NewBeeDrone Azi (Tri Blade) Micro Props - 31mm,1.0mm Shaft
Receiver: Integrated True Diversity SPI Receiver with LNA+PA, FrSky compatible (optional external receiver compatible)
Receiver Antenna: MHF3 2.4GHz Antenna
VTX: Onboard, up to 120mW
VTX Antenna
FPV Camera: NewBeeDrone BeeEye FPV Camera
Weight without Battery: 23 grams
BeeBrain BLV3 Flight Controller Specifications
ESC Firmware: Ships with JESC 48 KHz. BLHeli_s capable.
ESC Specifications: 4 channel 12A ESC
Weight: 6 grams (including antennas and battery connector)
Size: Outer dimensions 29 x 29 x 7.6 mm
Holes: 25.5 x 25.5 mm
Battery input: 1 – 2 S
UART2 TX and RX free for external receiver (un-inverted SBus signal only)
Note: The default power mode is low (5mW). Set the power level to medium (50mW) before flying.

※Futaba S-FHSS/Frsky_Xはこちらで設定変更してテスト飛行動作確認してから送ります。

New Bee Drone サイト 


ベータフライト10.4.*以上に接続しMODE設定でスイッチの割当(ARMスイッチ/Modeスイッチ等)デフォルトではARMスイッチ(AUX1) Modeスイッチ(AUX2)になっています。

※BetaFright Configfator 10.4.*以上を使用してください。


・AcroBee BeeBrain Brushless BNF
