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TUNERC Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO Flight Controller

TUNERC Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO Flight Controller
¥10,800 SOLD OUT

TUNERC Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO Flight Controller


Hardware Specs

FC MCU: STM32F405RGT6( Cortex®-M4 168Mhz )
Built-in OSD: AT7456E
Built-in IMU: BMI270
Built-in 4MByte Blackbox
Built-in Current Meter
ESC MCU: EFM8BB21 ( 8bit 50MHz )
UART: UART1 ( for VTX by default ), UART2, UART3, UART4 ( supports SBUS ), UART5
Other interfaces: IIC ( IIC2 ) , LED_Strip, Buzzer
The through holes for power lead: big enough to fit 16AWG wire
8 Motor Outputs ( The onboard esc have been used for 4 motor outputs. You can add 4 external esc if you want to use the other 4 motor outputs )
Electronics Specs

Input Voltage: 6.50-20.0V( 2S-4S LIPO/LIHV )
Power Output: 5V 2A
Continuous Current: 20A
Peak Current: 28A
FC Betaflight Target: TUNERCF405
ESC Firmware: Bluejay P-H-25
Motor Size Supported

11xx, 12xx, 13xx, 14xx
Recommended Capacitor

A 35V 220uf capacitor is included. A 35v 220-470 uf capacitor with low ESR is recommended if you want to swap the default one.
Size: 33mm x 33mm
Mounting Holes Pattern: 25.5 x 25.5mm Room for M3.5 grommets to make M2 mount
Weight: 5.8g

In the box
1 * Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO
1 * XT30 pigtail with 18awg wire
1 * 35V 220uf capacitor
6 * black grommets

TUNERC Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO Flight Controller


Hardware Specs

FC MCU: STM32F405RGT6( Cortex®-M4 168Mhz )
Built-in OSD: AT7456E
Built-in IMU: BMI270
Built-in 4MByte Blackbox
Built-in Current Meter
ESC MCU: EFM8BB21 ( 8bit 50MHz )
UART: UART1 ( for VTX by default ), UART2, UART3, UART4 ( supports SBUS ), UART5
Other interfaces: IIC ( IIC2 ) , LED_Strip, Buzzer
The through holes for power lead: big enough to fit 16AWG wire
8 Motor Outputs ( The onboard esc have been used for 4 motor outputs. You can add 4 external esc if you want to use the other 4 motor outputs )
Electronics Specs

Input Voltage: 6.50-20.0V( 2S-4S LIPO/LIHV )
Power Output: 5V 2A
Continuous Current: 20A
Peak Current: 28A
FC Betaflight Target: TUNERCF405
ESC Firmware: Bluejay P-H-25
Motor Size Supported

11xx, 12xx, 13xx, 14xx
Recommended Capacitor

A 35V 220uf capacitor is included. A 35v 220-470 uf capacitor with low ESR is recommended if you want to swap the default one.
Size: 33mm x 33mm
Mounting Holes Pattern: 25.5 x 25.5mm Room for M3.5 grommets to make M2 mount
Weight: 5.8g

In the box
1 * Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO
1 * XT30 pigtail with 18awg wire
1 * 35V 220uf capacitor
6 * black grommets













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    北海道 1000円
    沖縄 1500円


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      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


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      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


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      新潟県, 長野県


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      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


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      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


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      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄


  • ゆうパケット・クリックポスト・定形外郵便


    全国一律 ¥360
  • レターパック


    全国一律 ¥520



TUNERC Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO Flight Controller


Hardware Specs

FC MCU: STM32F405RGT6( Cortex®-M4 168Mhz )
Built-in OSD: AT7456E
Built-in IMU: BMI270
Built-in 4MByte Blackbox
Built-in Current Meter
ESC MCU: EFM8BB21 ( 8bit 50MHz )
UART: UART1 ( for VTX by default ), UART2, UART3, UART4 ( supports SBUS ), UART5
Other interfaces: IIC ( IIC2 ) , LED_Strip, Buzzer
The through holes for power lead: big enough to fit 16AWG wire
8 Motor Outputs ( The onboard esc have been used for 4 motor outputs. You can add 4 external esc if you want to use the other 4 motor outputs )
Electronics Specs

Input Voltage: 6.50-20.0V( 2S-4S LIPO/LIHV )
Power Output: 5V 2A
Continuous Current: 20A
Peak Current: 28A
FC Betaflight Target: TUNERCF405
ESC Firmware: Bluejay P-H-25
Motor Size Supported

11xx, 12xx, 13xx, 14xx
Recommended Capacitor

A 35V 220uf capacitor is included. A 35v 220-470 uf capacitor with low ESR is recommended if you want to swap the default one.
Size: 33mm x 33mm
Mounting Holes Pattern: 25.5 x 25.5mm Room for M3.5 grommets to make M2 mount
Weight: 5.8g

In the box
1 * Poly F405 2S-4S 20A AIO
1 * XT30 pigtail with 18awg wire
1 * 35V 220uf capacitor
6 * black grommets
