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【玄人向け】TUNERC Buzzer with Built-in Driver Circuit V2 plug Version

【玄人向け】TUNERC Buzzer with Built-in Driver Circuit V2 plug Version

TUNERC Buzzer with Built-in Driver Circuit V2 plug Version


Working Voltage: 3-5V
Sound Loudness: ≥80db@3V, ≥85db@5V
Length: V2: 10.5mm
Height: V2: 10.5mm
Weight: V2: 2.0g ( including 0.9g 200mm length wire)
Wire Length: V2: 200mm
Blue wire (V1): for signal
White wire (V2): for signal
Red wire: for 3V-5V
Black wire: for GND

How to Connect the Buzzer to Poly F405 2S-4S AIO?
You just need to do the wiring as the diagram below. We have already done the mapping in Betaflight so you don’t need to do that in the CLI.
FC 5V — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC GND — Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC BZ — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to Flight Controllers that features “Buzzer+” “Buzzer-” Soldering Pads?
You just need to wire the buzzer with the flight controller as per the instruction below. And you don’t need to do the mapping in Betaflight.
FC “Buzzer+” — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC “GND”— Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC “Buzzer-” — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to EZ F411 AIO and Other Flight Controllers that don’t Feature Buzzer Pads?
Step 1. Firstly, please solder the buzzer’s signal wire ( blue wire) to any available/free port on the flight controller.
For example, RX1 is mostly the available port on the EZ AIO, so you can connect the
FC RX1 with the Buzzer Signal Wire (Blue Wire), FC 5V–Buzzer 3V-5V (Red Wire), FC GND–Buzzer GND (Black Wire)

TUNERC Buzzer with Built-in Driver Circuit V2 plug Version


Working Voltage: 3-5V
Sound Loudness: ≥80db@3V, ≥85db@5V
Length: V2: 10.5mm
Height: V2: 10.5mm
Weight: V2: 2.0g ( including 0.9g 200mm length wire)
Wire Length: V2: 200mm
Blue wire (V1): for signal
White wire (V2): for signal
Red wire: for 3V-5V
Black wire: for GND

How to Connect the Buzzer to Poly F405 2S-4S AIO?
You just need to do the wiring as the diagram below. We have already done the mapping in Betaflight so you don’t need to do that in the CLI.
FC 5V — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC GND — Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC BZ — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to Flight Controllers that features “Buzzer+” “Buzzer-” Soldering Pads?
You just need to wire the buzzer with the flight controller as per the instruction below. And you don’t need to do the mapping in Betaflight.
FC “Buzzer+” — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC “GND”— Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC “Buzzer-” — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to EZ F411 AIO and Other Flight Controllers that don’t Feature Buzzer Pads?
Step 1. Firstly, please solder the buzzer’s signal wire ( blue wire) to any available/free port on the flight controller.
For example, RX1 is mostly the available port on the EZ AIO, so you can connect the
FC RX1 with the Buzzer Signal Wire (Blue Wire), FC 5V–Buzzer 3V-5V (Red Wire), FC GND–Buzzer GND (Black Wire)













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TUNERC Buzzer with Built-in Driver Circuit V2 plug Version


Working Voltage: 3-5V
Sound Loudness: ≥80db@3V, ≥85db@5V
Length: V2: 10.5mm
Height: V2: 10.5mm
Weight: V2: 2.0g ( including 0.9g 200mm length wire)
Wire Length: V2: 200mm
Blue wire (V1): for signal
White wire (V2): for signal
Red wire: for 3V-5V
Black wire: for GND

How to Connect the Buzzer to Poly F405 2S-4S AIO?
You just need to do the wiring as the diagram below. We have already done the mapping in Betaflight so you don’t need to do that in the CLI.
FC 5V — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC GND — Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC BZ — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to Flight Controllers that features “Buzzer+” “Buzzer-” Soldering Pads?
You just need to wire the buzzer with the flight controller as per the instruction below. And you don’t need to do the mapping in Betaflight.
FC “Buzzer+” — Buzzer Red Wire (3V-5V)
FC “GND”— Buzzer Black Wire (GND)
FC “Buzzer-” — Buzzer Blue Wire (Signal)

How to Connect the Buzzer to EZ F411 AIO and Other Flight Controllers that don’t Feature Buzzer Pads?
Step 1. Firstly, please solder the buzzer’s signal wire ( blue wire) to any available/free port on the flight controller.
For example, RX1 is mostly the available port on the EZ AIO, so you can connect the
FC RX1 with the Buzzer Signal Wire (Blue Wire), FC 5V–Buzzer 3V-5V (Red Wire), FC GND–Buzzer GND (Black Wire)
